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BookMooch Angels Fund (USA: CA) : member bio

Name: BookMooch Angels Fund (USA: CA) (a BookMooch Charity)
Userid: bmangels

Inventory: 0
Points: 3051
Mooched/given: 0/0
Pending mooch/give: 0/0

Wishlist: 0
Feedback: +0
Smooches: 1
Charitable gifts: 70
Charity received: 207
Friends: 7

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2011/01/20
Last here: 1844 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Point reimbursments are processed quarterly.

Home page:

This is a charitable fund set up to reward and reimburse people who act as BookMooch Angels.

For more information about BookMooch Angels, please see this page.

If you are in need of a point reimbursement for requesting a book on behalf of someone in another country (to which the book owner will not send), please send us an e-mail. This e-mail should be sent to us AFTER you have received the book, and AFTER it has been mooched from you, by the person-in-need (PIN).

For now, one point will be refunded per book.

Your e-mail to us should include REFUND REQUEST in the re: line. Please include in the body of your message, your BookMooch ID, your country, the link(s) for the book(s) that you have requested on someone else's behalf and the BM ID of the person to whom those books are going to be sent. Incomplete information could result in your refund being delayed.

You do not need to be on the official BookMooch Angel list to apply for a point reimbursement, and you may be providing assistance through any of the forums used by BookMooch members.

If you are a frequent "Angel", it would be helpful if you would group your requests, to avoid overloading our inbox.

This program will run on an honor system for now, while alternatives are being considered.

If you have any comments or concerns, please e-mail us, with COMMENT in the re: line.

Thank you very very much for being a BookMooch Angel, and please allow 90 days for your refund.

BookMooch Angel Network Volunteer

Forums joined:
angel_requests_2010_may, angels_needed_or_offered, bm_stats, bookmooch_blog, discussion, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, newbie_bookmoocher_thread.

Forums active on:
angel_requests_2010_may, angels_needed_or_offered, bm_stats, discussion, newbie_bookmoocher_thread.