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Book sent but never marked as received!

Hi all! I was just curious if anyone else has a solution or at the very least finds it annoying when you have mailed a book to someone and they never marked it as received?! I sent one book about a month and a half ago to someone who never acknowledged receiving it and has since gone inactive. I just find it annoying to see it forever hanging out on my pending page! I have tried contacting the person by email with no response and at this point would just like the book off my pending page! The only options are to mark it lost or to remind the person. I am sure it isn't lost and don't want to mark it that way if it isn't necessary! I don't know if there is really anything you can do to fix it though! Thanks everyone! :)

14 years ago

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(4 months, 25 days ago)The layout and structure of your blog posts are user-friendly. It makes navigating through the content a breeze. PLAB
richerson michelle
(11 years ago)If you accidentally hit sent instead of accepted you can see the mailing address by clicking "show details" on the top of the pending page. I don't know about printing labels, you may have to address the package manually. You should also email the moocher and let them know that the mailing date will differ.
(12 years ago)"anyone else has a solution or at the very least finds it annoying when you have mailed a book to someone and they never marked it as received?" The temptation to avoid hitting the remind option is almost unbearable, but I've had the fortune to mark a mooch "received_forced" then have the moocher still provide positive feedback afterward. However, what is annoying is waiting endlessly (okay, six WEEKS) for even a system prompt to act on a mooch that appears to have been ignored/forgotten/neglected, even with delivery confirmation. I've also suspect that some mooches are marked sent with the Sender having no intention of sending OR responding to communication. Why would they when they know if a mooch is marked "lost" they keep the points and the Moocher is refunded? Not to mention, no feedback to record the transaction, except the auto-response from the system. Meanwhile, I have no qualms about sending (or receiving) reminders (up to 3) within a 30-day window PRIOR to shipment but how annoying is the process when the Sender ACCEPTS the mooch and does NOT respond to reminders? One aspect of BM that I do enjoy over many other avenues of swapping books is being able to mark a mooch "delayed" with a brief message to the moocher! How easy is that? From there, the moocher can decide if the wait is worth the mooch (not to mention the value of points). I admit the system is not perfect, but it's certainly user friendly... if the user follows up with their profile and related communications.
(14 years ago)I sell books on line every day for Greenmetropolis restricted by postal costs to UK. I sell also on ebay and gave up International selling when vast majority of post to America failed to arrive. I refuse to accept compensation as I realised the books that went missing in UK had in fact been delivered. The value is only £3 not worth claiming but well worth enquiries as these always resulted in the missing book being “found”. I have kept my post code clean and my reputation intact. The Royal Mail cannot enquire beyond their boundaries so I withdrew, from International sales. I really have 100% success with the books I have over 3,000 receipts for these successful uninsured deliveries. The recipient falsely claims it is lost hoping for a replacement copy but finds the missing book when they see I have logged their post code,and will not make a claim. I have had 2 books go missing already on this site but as no cash has changed hands....I cannot find time to make an enquiry!
(14 years ago)Ditto. I was nagging someone undergoing brain surgery. Fortunately, I wasn't too snippy.
(14 years ago)Yeah thanks Mark. Re` checking the address of a book sent; I did that only last week, when chasing something that is not where it should be yet, looked under details+ to see what the mailing address was. Just to check, that as far as I could remember, I had written the address as stated. Alas, that didn't make the book turn up though :(
(14 years ago)Nope, thanks but I got that part - I just meant emails in general - apparently I should have worded it different rather then "email reminders" send reminder emails. LOL Bad wording... A couple others had mentioned that it resets! Thanks!
(14 years ago)Yes, I think Cheri missed that key point -- send only one reminder please. Right Michelle, that 'detail' button does escape some people's notice at time. It can also be of use to check on the address of a pending book you have already marked as 'sent.'
(14 years ago)Just be careful not to send another reminder. Every time you hit the reminder button, it resets the clock. Email messages, on the other hand, have no effect.
(14 years ago)Thanks for the help and info everyone! It has been since April 22nd and no response from this person. Have emailed a couple times and reminded. They only mooched a few books and haven't logged in since. I understand it is important to communicate but there is a slight problem when there is no response! lol So I will just keep sending email reminders and if no response when the button becomes available I will mark it as forced received as everyone has said! Just glad to get a little clearer understanding of how this works!
(14 years ago)Mark, When I need more information on pendings, I click on the 'SHOW DETAILS +" tab at the top right hand side of my Pending page and It shows when something was sent. It shows the book condition, the moochers request comments, date requested, date sent etc. This is a useful feature, so you occasionally go through & start to tidy up your pendings, starting with reminders if necessary.
(14 years ago)Micheal, I was wriitng about reminders one sends for books sent to a moocher who is not checking in a book within a month or so (domestic) as most usually do. You appear to be asking about mocoh requests you have placed with others. The standard advice is to cancel after 2-3 weeks if there has been no response. Any time you cancel a mooch after one week, and you select 'did not respond' as the reason why, then the account will be vactioned until the member logs in again. I both cases, there is always a chance that e-mails might not get through, but the trade will appear on the member's pending page, of course.
(14 years ago)Mark, I need something clarified. The reminder is an e-mail, correct? It is very possible, that the person is missing the e-mail if they are having trouble with e-mail junk folder settings etc. I have also seen this take place quite a lot recently with new members. I have sent precisely ONE reminder to each with no response. Since, I have no other way to contact them but e-mail (and I try to do so without resetting the reminder FUNCTION), I sent them regular e-mails to remind them also. I noticed on person not having logged in in over 45 days, despite my e-mails and ONE reminder. Not much can be done about this, I am afraid, unless John can come up with a change in the system that flashes something on the person's screen when they log into BookMooch after a period of inactivity. PLEASE CHECK YOUR PENDING BOOKS or PLEASE CHECK YOUR REMINDERS or something to that effect. Once, I click CANCEL because the person has not responded in over 45-60 days, the person gets vacationed automatically, right? I have no control over that. But If I don't hear from someone, I won't let my points be tied-up for months and months on end. OR am I doing it wrong?
Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
(14 years ago)Glad to help clarify the 'remind' function, which is something people often ask about. -- Most people will send an official reminder at about the 3 week point for domestic mooches and about the 3 month mark for international, as this is beyond the average time for arrival. -- You will find the reminder button opposite the book on your pending page. There is no record of when it was sent, so be sure and retain the e-mail notice you will receive. -- Send only one reminder please, multiples are not helpful and will reset the clock. -- Six weeks after the official reminder has been sent, you can then force the book as received from your pending page. Some will send a final e-mail to the moocher just to give them a chance to mark it as lost. Be sure that at least a few days have elapsed since the 'lost' window has opened up, which is six weeks from the date sent for domestic, four months international. -- As with all functions, this cannot be undone, or later changed to 'lost.' If the sender contacts you and states they believe the book was lost, then it might be a good idea to offer a book deal or reach some other compromise, although this is not required.
(14 years ago)Yes, I think this does restart the timer. I am pretty sure I saw someone mention this a long time ago. The best thing I think is to click the remind button once, then use the email button after that. I have a terrible time resisting clicking the remind button again! Kara -- Please vote for my travel blog essay:
(14 years ago)I sent two books to someone on March 17. I have clicked the Remind button three times I think, but I have not seen a Receive button for me to click. Do you think it restarts the three week timer each time you click Remind? This person joined bookmooch, mooched 6 books, and then never showed up again. Not sure how they have 0 books in their inventory and have never given any books to anyone.
(14 years ago) have 3 weeks to send her e-mails after that remind button...I once mooched to a member that had been inactive for 108 days, I waited for a week till she told me she'll send the books to me and apologized for not checking her account...she said, she checked it only when she got e-mails. AND don't forget we have the Bookmooch Admin.
(14 years ago)48 days are not yet too long. As I observed, a lot of people check their account only when they got an e-mail. I've checked this person you mentioned, I tell you my intuition...she's coming back, it's best for you to ask her to mark the book "received" for your own reputation.
(14 years ago)Okay, I didn't realize a receive button would come up after a while. As stated above I attempted to contact the person via email through the remind option but no response. I have already checked out their profile and found they are 48 days since signing in and it was a fairly new member with only a few mooches. Maybe someone who joined then lost interest?! Thanks for the info though guys - I will wait and see if the button comes up to call it received! At this point I would guess this member won't be coming back!
(14 years ago)Well I didn't know it at first...but everyone can do Math. so I know when my books arrived to the moocher...I'll give her 2 weeks leeway to marked the books received and then remind her/him (remind button) and wait...trying to communicate...after you pushed that button "remind", it will give you 3 weeks (international) before a button "received" appear on your page, so you'll be able to forced "received". I made it too...only it won't be counted on the books you had given and there's an auto. note/feedback "I requested this book, sender says they sent it, but I never acknowledged receiving it" it best to communicate, he/she may be not active but try communicating and pray that he/she will mark it "received". I find both solutions, marking it "lost" or "received forced" not so quite good...but there is a purpose on it...there's a lot of people that tends to be abusive sometimes...just try your best to communicate.
(14 years ago)I think it's 21 days for Domestic...
Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
(14 years ago)What ylef said. Also, go through the history of that person. See if that has happened before with that person. If it has, it might be time to report them to Tech Support. I had one person tell me they received the book over a week ago, but they were busy and were into reading it and forgot to mark it RECEIVED. Unbelievable!
Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
(14 years ago)I would contact BookMooch about it first. If it's been inactive for a really long time they may just close the account or mark it received. So far I haven't had issues with this (but I also send weekly reminders too).
Erin H.
(14 years ago)I would never marked it'll have bad reputation marking it lost, because it will appear on your site with the "books sending lost". You'll remind the moocher and after 3 weeks, you could marked it "received" but it will appear to your history "received forced". But...there's a big "BUT" there, it would not be counted of the books you have given, but it is better than books sending lost. Best try to communicate first, remind her...then you have three weeks...then force received. I had the same experience already.
I wish there was a CD Mooch ...

This site is just so cool. I love it. Would love to trade music CDs this way too.

14 years ago

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(14 years ago)You're welcome to create a "CD Mooch" forum on this site, and people can exchange CDs using it. Sure, no problem!
John Buckman
(14 years ago)Would it be ok to create a "CD trade" forum topic here? The Bookmooch community seems tighter and friendlier than a commercial site, and has a ready-made feedback system for screening who to trade with. I checked out, and found it problematic. The concept of shipping without artwork or cases seemed as horrifying as shipping a book with the cover torn off to save on package weight. They seem to be geared on exchanging disposable cds for ripping to mp3, not keeping.
(14 years ago)Well, those seem to be very simple, clear and valid reasons for not setting up a CD swap!
(14 years ago)There are a bunch of reasons I'm not going to do a CD mooch: 1) everyone is going "digital" with music, and such a site would have very few years of life left in it. Books, on the other hand, don't seem to be going digital that fast. 2) it would be largely used for piracy : people would likely rip a CD to their iPod, and then pass the CD on. I don't really want to be in the business of promoting that 3) there already exists someone doing it (swapacd), why duplicate effort?
John Buckman
(14 years ago)I use personally. I've gotten rid of many CD's I don't use anymore. I just transfer the credits to
Erin H.
(14 years ago)I guess we are looking for someone else with a CD/DVD vision and the resources to start those sites. However, I can see his point. Books, whatever prophets of e-books claim, are highly unlikely to be rendered obsolete by advances in technology!
(14 years ago)I'd gladly join in if CDs and DVDs were swappable here -- I've looked at some of the other trading sites but really prefer the flexibility and warm community spirit here on BookMooch, and would find it so much more convenient to keep all the trades, points, reputation scores, etc. in one site.
Miss Smilla
(14 years ago) trades CD's and DVD's but I much prefer Bookmooch. I gave up my account there a couple of years ago. We used to have an informal nonbook trading group through the old forum. Someone set it up on a web page somewhere. I don't know what became of it. Cara
(14 years ago)PaperbackSwap,, runs two sister sites for swapping CDs and DVDs. You can even use credits (points) across sites as well as buy credits. If you decide to join, I'd appreciate it if you'd put me down as the person recommending the site. I would get a free credit. Username: frak
Alan Dellamore
(14 years ago)Have the BM high-poohbahs considered creating a similar movie or cd swapping site? The last one I belonged to imploded and switched to primarily selling MP3s. The Amazon database could provide the same information as with the books, and the site could take in revenue from Amazon orders. Barring that future, does anyone know of a good trading site for compact discs?
(14 years ago)Ooh! yes! and they are so cheap to post!

I have two listings in my list that have errors in them. How might I correct them?

Jim Mayor
8 months, 24 days ago
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(8 months, 6 days ago)I don't think you can, since the data is captured (either from Amazon or from a previous BM listing)- I think you'd have to create a new listing with the correct info. Honestly, to avoid duplicate listings for the same title, I would just put clarification notes in the condition notes (I.e. "mine is paperback not hardcover" or "281 pages, not 285" etc etc)
Adding Books to Bookmooch That I'd Like to Add to Wishlist

There must be a way to add books to Bookmooch that I want to add to my wishlist. Please tell me how. Thank you. Pat Shepherd

4 years ago

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(2 years ago)No and they most likely won’t, given that John has been inactive for quite some time. Both this and the bookmooch blog forum have some tips for how to list books; anything too new has to be hand entered since the search can only use bookmooch now and not Amazon.
(2 years ago)Have they found a solution to this problem by now? I still can't add books which is VERY frustrating!!
(4 years ago)Could be- my guess is, because it's new, no one has given or wishlisted it before, which is why it's coming up (since the Amazon search isn't working, searches are only using Bookmooch itself)
(4 years ago)I'm wondering if The Chocolatier is too new. I entered the 10-digit ISBN number: 1951314026 and got the message No Books Found. What's your opinion? Thank you, Pat
(4 years ago)Thank you. I’ll try it. Pat
(4 years ago)Hi Pat, you can get the ISBN from Amazon if you search for the title. To get the ISBN-10, you can enter the ISBN-13 here and get the ISBN-10. I haven't had any issues adding books with the ISBN-10, it's only the ISBN-13 that isn't working for me.
(4 years ago)Nevermind. Seems to have been a fluke. Adding the ASIN did work in another instance. But nothing is consistent. I'm following the advice of previous posters.
Ryan O.
(4 years ago)Thank you so much! How are you getting that ISBN numbercwhen you don’t have the book? 🤓 Pat
(4 years ago)I'm having success with the 10 number ISBN. I knew there had to be a way because others were listing books with the picture.
Ryan O.
(4 years ago)You can also hand enter the book and leave the ISBN field blank - I add the ISBN to the condition section in case any potential moochers want to look up for themselves which edition it is
(4 years ago)I finally figured out a way to list books!! Put the author's name in the search window at the top of the page. When you get the list of books look for the name of the book you want to list and click on it. You may need to hit the "show unmoochable" button. And you may need to check through several listings of the book to get the right one. Not every book will be listed but most of them are. It works!!
Lisa Wenner
(4 years ago)OK, although I still can't add anything NEW to Bookmooch for inventory or for wishlist, I have figured out how to add books to inventory that I have previously mooched. Just go to your "mooched books" list, find the book (can be difficult if you've mooched hundreds of books like me but haven't read them for years lol), and hit GIVE. Certainly not ideal, but it's something...
Alison Astor
(4 years ago)Please, please somebody figure out how we can list books! I have quite a large number that I'd like to put in inventory. Nothing I've tried has worked. Thanks.
Lisa Wenner
(4 years ago)I'm finding it impossible to add books by ANY search method, by name or ISBN number, using Amazon and often through Bookmooch itself. Thoughts?
Alison Astor
(4 years ago)Amazon search is not working well right now. BookMooch Blog Otherwise, you might try ISBN, either 13 or 10 digit versions. In fact, if you have the 10 digit ISBN, you can try putting this in the URL field of your browser: and then put in the 10 digits and then hit enter.
Looking for an Old Book


Thank you for the lovely site. I have been trying for a while to find a copy of the following book in English:

Mirror of the Polish Crown

The book was originally published in 1618 by Sebastian Miczynski.

Kind regards


1 year ago
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App or website to keep track of books owned

Since joining BM and PBS and regular visits to Goodwill, I have amassed a huge library for my home. Most I want to keep long term. Some will be passed on after I read them at some point. Especially for my kids, I have tried to collect all books from a series. Some series have 50+ books to them all with similar titles and covers. I have tried a few apps/sites to help store my listing of what I own, but none seem to work well. My memory fails me and I end up with duplicates. I pass those on here at BM when someone is wishing, but I would like to stop doing that just because I cannot keep track of what I already have.

Can anyone recommend a good site or app that will let me easily catalog my library? Preferably, I want to be able to take a photo of the isbn barcode and have the app find the book for me and then I just add it or I want to upload a spreadsheet of isbns like we can do here on BM for wishlists and bookshelf.


Good problem to have: too many books!

Ivy Hostetler
10 years ago

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(10 years ago)I have an app on my iPad... My Library. It can record both books and DVDs. It can find book info based on a scanned barcode or manual entry.
Gretchen Ann
(10 years ago)I use Goodreads and they have an app that you can use with your smartphone to scan the books in by barcode.
(10 years ago) works best for me. I believe you can get a bar code scanner that works with Librarything that lets you scan all your books in quickly. I haven't got that ambitious yet, but may when I retire. I just went through a pile of books and pulled out quite a few duplicates, so can sympathize with your problem!
A Psalm for the Moochers

The world is my booksource; its books I want.
They make me sigh oft in pure rapture; they lead me on wild adventures.
They enlighten my soul; they lead me down paths of imagination for my own sake.
Though I send off a volume to the ends of the earth, I shall not be wistful: for points are with me; in their promise of bookstuff, they comfort me.
Thus, prepared is the way for to increase my literacy; “only to my country” me foils, but still I am hopeful.
Surely the goodness and mercy of “angels” will give to my yearnings new life, and I will quell for a time with a book my desire.

Have a great day everybody!

Rebel Sun
1 year ago
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ISBN Number

I am new to BookMooch. When I add a book to give away using the ISBN number, it says the book was found on Amazon, but then everything is blank. The Author, Title, etc. So I entered it by hand. How can ISBN be found but then not list anything?

4 years ago

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(2 years ago)Today is digital detox day - delete redundant websites, mailing lists and remove bookmooch fora that you do not use. The last post here was spammy - so I recommend leaving this one. But of course I would much rather than books were mooched instead. I post here (as there was a post in the last fortnight) to ask about this - how can we deal with this spam and re-invigorate the site? The issue over ISBN can only be partially worked around by had entering, as it appears that Amazon database has been used and when it is wrong this cannot be corrected...
marcus petz
(4 years ago)This has been an issue for a long time and we have reported it and it has not been fixed. I would still post it using the actual ISBN since you can still put an ISBN with a blank entry on your wishlist. When I see a blank entry, I will add a review that is just the author name and book title. You can try refreshing the data on the book page, but I have never seen that fix the problem.
listing tip

Hi all, just wanted to pass on some info that's working well for me when searching for and listing books- I know ISBN isn't working consistently, and with some titles there are a lot of listings, so what I've been doing is searching title plus the publisher (i.e. Heart is a Lonely Hunter Mariner) and that's been working swimmingly for me in terms of finding the correct book.

Happy Mooching!

3 years ago
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International mailing returned to me

I received an international shipping of a book back. I'm unsure what to do now. I informed the moocher, but it's still stuck like it's in shipment. I want to give her her points back... how do I do that?

4 years ago

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(2 years ago)I'm not sure what you're referring to, Patsy. This thread is two years old and resolved. It has nothing to do with books damaged in shipment.
(4 years ago)Thank you so very much!!!
(4 years ago)Hi, if you choose an option "lost" in the mail, the moocher will get her points back.
Adding Books to Inventory

I am having a lot of trouble adding books and I'm about ready to call it quits on this site. Sometimes but not always my titles are not showing up. So when someone requests a book there is no title. Has anyone else experienced this and how do I correct the issue?

6 years ago

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(6 years ago)I don't think this is related to the slowness, but rather that Amazon cut off the site's access to the US Amazon database. We can still use, for example, but not the US one. I have lots of books on my wishlist without titles, so don't assume that an empty book won't get requested. I often put a review on the book with the title and author. To determine the title of a book someone requests, go to the book's page and then search for the ISBN on another site. If you can't get to the book's page directly, go to your inventory page and hover your mouse over the "remove" link. The link that shows up at the bottom of your browser will have a 9 digit number on it which is often the ISBN or ASIN. Searching for either one on another site like goodreads should give you the title.
(6 years ago)Sorry, that discussion about problems is on the BookMooch Blog part of the forum.
(6 years ago)I think this may be to do with recent problems on the server, resulting in a server reboot - see the BookMooch Discussion forum. I've added a book recently that was recognised by BM yet appeared in my inventory without a title.
In my experience, this type of problem usually sorts itself out.

How to get a member to mark received

Other than emailing a member is there any other way to get credit for books that the post office has tracked as received into a members post office box? What is a reasonable wait time? Two books were mailed and delivered on 4/14/21. I have clicked remind once and emailed twice now. When I look at the members profile there is what I would call a high percent of books marked as lost in the mail. This is only my second transaction on this site and as of today I think I will just stick with paperback swap, where I have never had a lost book in 19 years. These books were pristine.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Cheryl T
3 years ago
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(3 years ago)You've already received your credit for the books; now that you've reminded them, in 6 weeks a "force received" button will appear next to the transaction. You'll need to also send a reminder on the second title for this button to appear. It looks like the user hasn't been active on the site in a bit; after 30 days they will be labeled as "possibly inactive". Personally, I wouldn't really consider 25 books out 688 mooched a high percentage- things do happen.
music and movies

Why can't we list other forms of media besides books?

Every once in awhile I can list one using the barcode and those are gobbled up instantly so I know the need is there.

3 years ago
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(3 years ago)Why not just hand enter them? If there is a need people will mooch I hand enter craft and cookery magazines. Just add to condition notes that it is CD/DVD
Insufficient packaging - what do you do?

Hello everyone,
Various times during my time using BM, I have received mooches in wrapping that has fallen apart before getting to me. Sometimes the books have been completely rewrapped by Royal Mail, usually when entering the UK, other times not. Usually the books aren't damaged, but I'd rather people wrapped their mooches more thoroughly. All the damaged packaging has been either thin paper with no packaging inside or sometimes the US flat rate envelopes.

So, what do you do if the packaging is damaged? Do you mention it to the moocher who sent it to you? Leave +0 or -1 feedback? Ignore it? I've mentioned it to the moocher in this instance because it was very thin paper and nothing else, sent internationally.

Lydia Marmorstein
12 years ago

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(12 years ago)Not a problem I've had yet but I think some people try to minimise weight and therefore mailing costs. I sent a book to Sweden from the UK today in a bubble wrap reinforced envelope and it cost over £5.
(12 years ago)I've mentionned it a couple times when the wrapping was a bit on the light side and got scrunched in transit in a way that caused the book to be partly exposed on arrival, or temporarily waylaid for rewrapping by the postal services. Never felt the need to lower feedback though, as there was no or only minor damage to the books.
(12 years ago)I usually mention that they should check the wrapping recommendations in the forums or the wiki, since it came unwrapped, torn, or whatever. But I give +1 for effort, and am nice about it.
(12 years ago)I would only leave negative feedback if the book had been damaged, but I do usually mention it if the packaging showed up torn. I still give a +1 since I have the book in good condition.
(12 years ago)Hear hear!
This is a frequent problem. Many packages arrive damaged, and often from the people who are first to ask why the book hasn't been acknowledged as received only a week after it was sent from another country! I've given up commenting.
Investing in a roll of decent quality tape should be high on the recommendations for anyone sending packages anywhere. "Magic" tape might work for office documents, but it's ridiculous to use it for a parcel going by post.
Always wrap "against", not "for" the post. The package has to resist mechanisation, being thrown around, dragged around in mailbags, and so on. It's a parcel for the post, not a pretty birthday present!

Trouble Adding Books

I'm in the US and having trouble adding books today (12/11/2020). I've tried two paths. 1) Using Amazon option via the Add tab. hing is working searching the @ option (not by title, author, etc - I even tried Tom Sawyer and nothing pulled). Also, isn't showing in the drop down. 2) Using the ISBN search function under manual add isn't yielding the results I would expect. I only found 2 of the 8 books I need to add (and they are NYT best sellers so no reason it's not recognizing them). Is the site down this week? Are US givers no longer able to give?

3 years ago

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(3 years ago)Thank you - Upon your advise, I added manually.
(3 years ago)If you look in the book mooch blog forum, you'll see the history of the Amazon issues and why amazon US is no longer available. From experience, newly published books don't come up in a search, nor does ISBN 13. I find an author/title combo works best; I suspect those listing newly published titles are hand entering them.
emails for Wishlist availability

ok- am 100% positive that emails are NOT being sent when a wishlist book is available, only when a similar wishlisted book is available. Have been aware of this for some time, yet was never able to confirm this.

Has anyone else experienced this? I was very active for 2+ years in this system, and for about 6 months have been wondering why my books were NEVER available.

Now I am sure as I was able to login this morning, and see that a wishlist book is available, yet I have NOT received an email. I think I was able to see the book, as it was not from my country (the US), and no one else mooched it yet.

Help please :(

13 years ago

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(3 years ago)You should be able to mark it is a lost at this point (there should be a lost button on the right).
(3 years ago)I have had a book that was supposed to be sent to me from about 3 years ago. I have not received it yet.
Rose Marie
(11 years ago)Maybe you might get lucky if you join the International Wishlist Tag Game group. Free for All - Part 3"
(11 years ago)I have noticed that it goes in spurts. That were will be nothing to mooch for months and then there will be a whole bunch of things at once. Although, I must admit I am guilty of only putting books up to mooch when I need points. I live in a really small town with no bookstore, so I try hard to balance getting and receiving because I have to go a long way to get mail as well.
Margaret Elizabeth
(11 years ago)is it okay to post a link to another book trading site here? I trade at another one sometimes, and they have alot of books that I want... I dont have enough credits there to order them all, haha. But here I like to check out the recently added section to 'impulse' trade I guess, for anything that catches my fancy ;P
(11 years ago)Rose Marie: You can donate your points to charity ( or give them to another member, or just hang on to them. Or just mooch books to take to your local used book shop, I suppose? I feel your pain. I have almost 400 points, don't ever see anything I want to mooch and my wishlist (8 pages worth!) never gets a hit. I hate throwing away books but I don't live anywhere near a used book shop, and I'm tired of spending money on mailing books with no real return for myself. Yes, I know, I'm helping share books worldwide but I hope everyone understands what I mean by no real return for myself. So, yes, I feel your pain.
(11 years ago)I have sent out 9 books but cannot find anything I want on the book lists. Have about 4 books on wish list for a long time. I have approximately 20-25 books more I would like to give away but think since I am not finding anything that I may bring my books to a used book store instead. What then would I do with my points?
Rose Marie
(11 years ago)Thank you!
Marissa Lopez
(11 years ago)It's there now
(11 years ago)I can't see it either, so I suggest you email the site admins:
(11 years ago)I can't see my wishlist at all! any help?!
Marissa Lopez
(13 years ago)I just received an email for a newly posted book on my wishlist. Coincidentally, i was already online and had just checked my wishlist, so I had already mooched it by the time the email was delivered. So, the system is working as it was designed to. I know it's frustrating that you may not feel like the design works for you.
(13 years ago)You can't rely on waiting for an email. Like others said-they don't send them to everyone, just to random wishers until it's mooched by anyone. I only receive 5 or 6 WL emails a year and they're usually gone by the time I do. I wouldn't get any WL books here at all if I waited for them. Most of the WL books I get are from just checking my account everyday. I probably miss a lot just not checking often enough.
(13 years ago)@Max, as Robin said, everyone on the wishlist does not receive an email right away. They go out randomly, every 4 hours I think, until the book is mooched. Also, others who see that the book is on their wishlist (by checking their wishlist or using the RSS feed) may mooch the book at any time. Those of us who have used Bookmooch for a long time have learned that relying on wishlist emails for notification of books you want is not very effective. Some people check their wishlist many times a day, some have an RSS feed set up on a mobile device. I have my RSS feed set up on my browser home page (iGoogle) so I can check from home or work. BTW, if a book you want is not available in your country and you feel it is worth 3 points to you, you can always use the angel network.
(13 years ago)Well, I have received emails for books on my wishlist, but not recently. I assume it's because since they go out randomly to 5 people at a time, that I just wasn't in the first group before it got moooched. Are you the ONLY person who has that book on your wishlist?
Display US $ on page

How do I get my page to show amazon prices in US Dollars rather than European?

4 years ago

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(4 years ago)Thank you
(4 years ago)Hi Natalie- I don't believe you can. There have been ongoing issues where the site cannot connect to the US Amazon; you can read about them here BookMooch Blog/#message_115.
Book Not Marked as Received

Hello, I sent a book to a requester, and the book was received according to tracking. But they have not marked it received even though I sent a reminder. Is there a way for me to mark it as received?

4 years ago

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(4 years ago)Oh ok, thanks Britt!
(4 years ago)If you've sent the reminder, in 6 weeks a button will show up next to the transaction saying "force receive". Unfortunately, there isn't a faster way to do it. Caveat- don't hit remind again, or the 6 weeks will restart.
missing email notifications

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to put this- my apologies if it is not.

I've not received an email regarding the last three requests for mooches. I only discovered them when I went into my account, which I don't do daily. I'm not sure what's changed- I'm still receiving notifications for books posted to my wishlist and for acceptances.

Any help would be appreciated.

CNY Reader
5 years ago

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(4 years ago)Sometimes I would receive 2 emails but sometimes only at the second email.
(5 years ago)Have you checked your spam folder? I've sometimes found important emails have somehow gone in there for some reason.
(5 years ago)I've had this happen to me fairly often recently as well. I was able to solve it by adding a second email address- I'm not sure if that's a viable option for you? It would be good to know why this is happening, though.
Angel Points

why would anyone have to wait over 6 months to be reimbursed for the points Bookmooch claims to give if you angel mooch?

Miss Daisy
5 years ago
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(5 years ago)The Bookmooch Angel fund is not administered through Bookmooch. I am administering it now strictly on a volunteer basis. I am afraid I don't check this account very often. Your points have been sent.
BookMooch Angels Fund