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Ann v.Roy (Belgium) : member bio

Name: Ann v.Roy (Belgium)
Userid: annetanne

Inventory: 0
Points: 115.4
Mooched/given: 94/103
Pending mooch/give: 1/0
Mooch ratio: 0.89:1

Wishlist: 231
Feedback: +103
Smooches: 10
Friends: 4
Cancelled requests: 18
Books sending lost: 2

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2010/07/26
Last here: 4518 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Belgium

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I changed my status to 'ask first' because shipping costs have risen too much.
It's not that I don't want to send outside Europe anymore, but I would like to ask moochers especially from within the US to consider second mooch, if the book they're asking for is a cheap paperback: it doesn't feel good to me to pay around $ 24.00 to ship a single used book to the US when it can be bought there new for a much lower price.

I will usually send out books within a week.

Moochers uit Nederland: kijk ook even naar de nota in mijn Bio

Home page:


Since I joined BookMooch in July 2010, my books have been wandering:

Note to Moochers in the Netherlands:
When you mooch a book from me, please set your country temporarily to 'Belgium' (I mean in the drop-down menu). That way a book will cost you just one point, and I get one point - which is only fair, since I will be able to post my parcels in the Netherlands. (Don't forget to change your country to Netherlands afterwards...)
(remind me in your comments that your country is actually the Netherlands, although that will be obvious by looking at the ZIP-code)

Voor Nederlandse Moochers:
Omdat ik in Nederland werk, kan ik boeken in Nederland posten. Niet meer dan normaal dus, dat een boek van mij aan Moochers uit Nederland maar één punt kost, en ik er één punt voor krijg.
Dat kan, wanneer je op de pagina waar je je adres aan mij doorgeeft, in het drop-down menu je land tijdelijk in 'België' verandert. (Bevestig voor de zekerheid even, dat je wel degelijk in NL woont - al zou me dat vanuit de postcode wel duidelijk moeten zijn... maar ja, Belgen hé!?)
Achteraf moet je op je profielpagina je land wel weer even terug aanpassen...

Forums joined:
a_book_search_among_friends, angel_requests_2010_may, angels_needed_or_offered, bookmooch_blog, discussion, forum_design, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, thanks_anonymous_smoocher, unfamiliar_words_in_the_books_i_read.

Forums active on:
a_book_search_among_friends, angel_requests_2010_may, bookmooch_blog, discussion, forum_design, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, unfamiliar_words_in_the_books_i_read.