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Forum: Recommended

Best Recently Read Books

1. The Road by Cormac McCarthy
2. Breathers by SG Browne
3. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
4. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
5. Descent into Dust by Jaqueline Lepore
6. 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher
7. An Invisible Sign of My Own by Aimee Bender

I qualify best as a book I finish, and immediately start reading again. Therefore, this list is recent relative to the past two years. I try to read 100 unique books per year, so I'm pretty happy with this list.

14 years ago


I would just like to suggest reading the book first if you intend to watch the movie. The movie was disappointing. Only two movies I can think of which were better than the book: The Hours by Michael Cunningham and Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King.
13 years ago
Hi, i've just joined bookmooch and it seems to be the thing I have been looking for all my life!
You sound like me, although I usually have several books on the go at once.
Some recent favourites of mine are:
Oscar and Lucinda. 2 eccentric and wonderful characters get together in Aus and somehow arrange to have an all glass church erected in the middle of nowhere . Oscar is an English clergyman addicted to gambling . Lucinda also gambles obsessively but owns a glass factory at a time when women were seen but not heard.

The Jane Austen book club. Lightweight but a welcome reminder of the way authors such as Austen can reach out to us across time.

Prey by Michael Crichton. I am a big fan of his books but my all time favourite of his is "the first great train robbery. " the film of which I like to watch at least once a year.
Being English I realised most of my favourites would be europe or uk based and might not cross the pond well.

Oryx and Crake by the brilliant and disturbing Margaret Attwood. The sequel to this is excellent too.

12 years ago