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Mr Luka Vaughan : ...and there was light: An overcomer's journey from the darkness of sexual child abuse, to healthy adulthood

Author: Mr Luka Vaughan
Title: ...and there was light: An overcomer's journey from the darkness of sexual child abuse, to healthy adulthood
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 246
Date: 2015-03-10
ISBN: 0473314088
Publisher: Luka Vaughan
Weight: 0.96 pounds
Size: 0.56 x 6.0 x 9.0 inches
Edition: 1
Amazon prices:
1Sheila Connolly (USA: WA).
Description: Product Description
...and there was light seeks to expose the devastation of childhood sexual abuse, and its ripple effects through the life of a victim, from childhood, to adulthood; from relationships to career choices and from failure to success. It is a personal account by an overcomer, one who has discovered hope, and who has made his way back to wholeness. It is a vivid, uncompromising account of a broken life, twisted and damaged by the evil of childhood sexual abuse. With relentless honesty, the author describes not only the devastation he suffered, but the devastation he caused in the lives of those around him. This is not a clinical work compiled from notes; from the observation of victims in a therapeutic environment. This is one man’s story. Gifted with accurate recall, and clear insight, the author has explored the many wounds, insecurities and fears that his experience of abuse created, and also the coping mechanisms that ensured his survival in a world he no longer understood or felt safe in. Unlike many, however, the author was privileged to find his way back home, and in this work he explores the many ways to healing that he has found. It is focussed on redemption, and restoration, and offers hope to survivors that they too can be overcomers, and can begin their own journey back to wholeness.
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