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VelcroDog (in Florida) (USA) : member bio

Name: VelcroDog (in Florida) (USA) (on vacation)
Userid: velcrodog
(I give a little)

Inventory: 0
Points: -2.1
Mooched/given: 370/270
Pending mooch/give: 4/3
Mooch ratio: 1.35:1

Wishlist: 363
Feedback: +261
Smooches: 13
Charity received: 4
Friends: 6
Cancelled requests: 36
Books receiving lost: 13
Books sending lost: 3
Rejected requests: 10

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2010/10/08
Last here: 4524 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
UPDATE!!! January 20th I am slowly working on this, with everything else I am doing it may be a few days till I sort thru all the mail and get everything checked off as received and post everything out. Sorry for the delay as I was out of town!!!!

-Jan. 12, 2011- Illness in the family.... it may be a week or two to get my books out.

I love books and have way too many. So, I trade my books and it seems my kids get the books they want! I love it!

Please understand that I am sending USED books. Many of my books are books I have had for YEARS. I have some that originally sold for 35 CENTS! Many are well over 20 years old. They have been read, more than once and will usually have yellowed pages. If you are looking for a "gift" or to "re-sell" don't expect pristine here! That being said, I also have a lot of BRAND NEW books that I get for 50 cents every once in a while...if you don't check out BIG LOTS for books - you should!

It is a non-smoking household, but I don't know all the books smoking history. We also have 1 regular dog, 1 cat, and the velcro dog pictured. They don't read a lot, but they have been know to sit down with a good book now and again.

Also, if you expect me to send a mooch outside of my country, I'd hope that you'd also be willing to do the same. INTERNATIONAL MOOCHERS- I must have you mooch at least 3 books (more if possible) to make it money-smart for me. Depending on the country postage can start out at just about $10 for a single book. Mooch more than one and I will HAPPILY upgrade that to Priority mail and then you can add books to get the most bang for your buck! Priority envelopes can go up to 4 pounds and they are 9.5 inches by 12.5 inches and I KNOW HOW TO PACK THEM!!! Let me know if you want more and I will email you your current weight and how close to full it is! (BMJournal Moochers Take Note!)

***I just realized that a LOT of my emails from moochers are going into my Spam folder. If you did not get a reply to a "will you send out of country" email. Please try again. I don't understand why this is happening as the same person can send me 6 emails and 2 will end up in the spam box and 4 will make it to my in box....(weird)...

I do list on another site and every once in a while the book will sell on the other site and I won't have it. I try very hard to not let this happen - but with boyfriend, kids, dogs and cat ... I sometimes let one slip thru -- sorry!

FYI - I recycle (and upcycle too!) so don't be surprised at previously used packaging and other innovative packaging too!

"What’s my obligation? Unlike a regular book that you get through BookMooch, when you request and receive a journal, it is not yours to keep. Mooching it is committing yourself to adding your artistic entry into it and releasing it back within two weeks to be mooched again by another participant. The owner of the journal retains ownership and gets it back when the journal is full.
The recommended time to keep a journal is not more than two weeks. Please try to adhere to this time line so that the journals can continue to circulate. Real Life does happen and sometimes prevents getting a journal back out within two weeks. If there’s a delay, please be considerate and let the owner know. If you have a big life change coming up, it might not be the best time to mooch a journal!"

for more information on BookMooch Journals see-

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a_book_search_among_friends, bookmooch_journals, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, what_are_you_reading_now, you_never_know_what_you_may_find.

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a_book_search_among_friends, bookmooch_journals, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, what_are_you_reading_now, you_never_know_what_you_may_find.