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Tee75 (USA: NJ) : member bio

Name: Tee75 (USA: NJ) (on vacation)
Userid: eisha75

Inventory: 0
Points: 39.9
Mooched/given: 217/194
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.07:1

Wishlist: 340
Feedback: +188
Smooches: 2
Charity received: 1
Friends: 20
Cancelled requests: 22
Books receiving lost: 9
Rejected requests: 28

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2009/03/28
Last here: 1376 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I try my best to send books out as fast as I can, but if I am unable to I will let the individual know who mooch from me when I will be sending out their request by personal email. I ship twice a month which is bi-weekly.
I also deal with two other books site I try to be fair, however I have been known to make the mistake of placing the same books on all three sites, when that happens the book/books go to the first individua/indiviuals who makes a request.

I truly would like to apologize for my lengthy absence from the site I was experiencing some trying times but I am back, I do apologize to anyone who requested books that I was unable to send during absence, if you would like to re-request them I will fill the request.
To those who stood by me and waited for me to come around I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.

I have a great passion for reading, I tend to read 4/5 books a week, I love reading Africian American romance novels. Normally when I am reading I am unreachable. I feel reading gives one hope for their own life and allows one to explore where they normally would not. Reading is a wonderful, and unexpensive way to get away for me, I feel as thought I am taking a trip each and everytime I start a new book, I find that it helps me to relax after a stressful day. I enjoy going to my mail box and finding a new book waiting, it gives me a rush that I can't explain. I sometimes can place myself in the stories which helps me to escape from everyday issues and brightens my day. I also find myself reviewing the book as I read, and diagnosing the charaters,this is probably because of my present job since I work with the Psychiatric community and education back ground. I am truly enjoying this site, for it is helping me to collect books from some of my favorite authors that I don't already have, while adding new authors to read and enjoy. It also gives me the chance to meet and make new friends who also have a passion for reading as I do.